Outer Banks Rogallo Kite Festival – Jockey’s Ridge State Park
June 5-6, 2025 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Francis Rogallo was a NASA scientist and inventor of the flexible wing. His inventions started the sport of hang gliding and his designs have carried over into the development of stunt kites, power kites, and hang gliders that are flown today. We invite you to join us and fly a kite at the 43rd Annual Rogallo Kite Festival to celebrate Francis Rogallo and his many accomplishments.
Kitty Hawk Kites and friends will be displaying amazing 30 – 100 ft kites on top of Jockey’s Ridge State Park. Join us and fly a kite of your own, take part in FREE walk-up stunt kite lessons, kite coloring for kids of all ages, or just sit back, relax and enjoy the spectacular kites as they fly in the sky.
PLEASE REMEMBER: If you are going to join us on the dunes, please bring enough water, something to sit on, and shade for you and your family. Wear appropriate clothing and footwear to protect you from the high heat of the sand, sunscreen to prevent sunburn, and other heat-related emergencies. Animals are allowed on the dunes, the same rules apply – make sure they are protected. The sand gets dangerously hot, so they will need shade and something to lie on as well!
For more information on the Rogallo Kite Festival, please contact events@kittyhawk.com