
We understand that housing is expensive and can be difficult to obtain on the Outer Banks. That’s why Kitty Hawk Kites assists our interns and seasonal full-time staff by providing housing on a first-come/first-served basis. Contact Human Resources for more information.



Kitty Hawk Kites offers affordable staff housing in several locations, across three different states. We have over 25 houses and 100’s of beds currently available.


General Housing Information:

  • KHK housing is offered on a first-come, first-serve basis
  • It is dorm-style housing – you will be sharing a bedroom with a roommate(s). All common spaces will be shared with housemates. Housing may be co-ed, however, male/female shared rooms are not permitted.
  • We require a deposit upon move-in.  Security deposits can be made by check, money order, or credit card.
  • You must work a minimum of 32 hours a week to stay in employee housing.
  • All utilities are included: basic TV, local phone service, water, wireless internet, and electric.
  • Units are furnished including twin beds and dishes.
  • We offer month to month lease agreements
  • We do not allow any pets in any of our housing
  • We do not allow non-employees to live in employee housing; this includes family members
  • Signed lease and housing rules are required
  • All houses are non-smoking.
  • Overnight guests are not permitted
  • All housing has on-site washer/dryer units.
  • Tenants are responsible for providing their own linens, pillows, and towels.
  • Limited parking is available.
  • For further inquiries or availability information, please email admin@kittyhawk.com

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